Building Community

The Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX views building community as essential to prevention work. One of the best practices for supporting a culture to reduce and prevent incidents of this nature is by engaging our community in addressing these concerns and providing community tools through awareness-building activities and education. By developing awareness, education, and a community ecosystem that supports common language, behaviors, and attitudes, we can support each other in feeling confident in our roles to co-support a community that is safe, equitable, and accessible. Building a community includes the following actions:

  • Understanding your rights as a member of the Juilliard community
  • Building and sharing knowledge that supports better systems and education of these issues within our community.

Understanding your Rights:

School Policies: The Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX staff lead the School's response to reports of misconduct as required by the Non-Discrimination Policy and Sex-Based Misconduct Policy.

These policies:

  • Describe our commitments to fostering a safe and equitable environment;
  • Define prohibited behavior, including discrimination, harassment, hate conduct, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation; stalking, and retaliation;
  • Provide reporting options;
  • List specialized and free resources;
  • Govern Juilliard's informal resolution processes, and investigation, grievance  and appeal procedures; and
  • Describe rights, including supportive measures.

New York State Student Bill of Rights: At Juilliard, the New York State Students' Bill of Rights, which is part of the Sex-Based Misconduct Policy, extends to all members of the Juilliard community, including faculty and staff.

In accordance with Article 129-B of New York State Education Law, all students have the right to:

  1. Make a report to local law enforcement and/or state police;
  2. Have disclosures of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault treated seriously;
  3. Make a decision about whether or not to disclose a crime or violation and participate in the judicial or conduct process and/or criminal justice process free from pressure by the institution;
  4. Participate in a process that is fair, impartial, and provides adequate notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard;
  5. Be treated with dignity and to receive from the School courteous, fair, and respectful health care and counseling services, where available;
  6. Be free from any suggestion that the Complainant is at fault when these crimes and violations are committed, or should have acted in a different manner to avoid such crimes or violations;
  7. Describe the incident to as few school representatives as practicable and not be required to unnecessarily repeat a description of the incident;
  8. Be protected from retaliation by the institution, any student, the accused and/or respondent, and/or their friends, family and acquaintances within the jurisdiction of the institution;
  9. Access to at least one level of appeal of a determination;
  10. Be accompanied by an advisor of choice who may assist and advise a reporting individual, accused, or respondent throughout the judicial or conduct process including during all meetings and hearings related to such process; and
  11. Exercise civil rights and practice of religion without interference by the investigative, criminal justice, or judicial or conduct process of the institution.

Often, alcohol and other drugs are tools to perpetuate sexual misconduct. Students need to be aware of the Alcohol and Other Drug Amnesty Policy, which states that a Complainant, bystander, or other individual who, in good faith, reports any incident of possible sexual misconduct will not be subject to any action under Juilliard's Code of Conduct for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the reported sexual misconduct.

Employees: Employees are covered by the Non-Discrimination Policy and Sex-Based Misconduct Policy. and other laws. Please refer to the Policies for information about other avenues of redress.

Building Knowledge and Community:

Juilliard is committed to fostering a culture of prevention and awareness around discrimination, harassment, bias/hate conduct, and sex-based misconduct. The Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX supports these efforts through prevention activities that support community building and shared knowledge of these concerns. You can engage with The Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX through the following activities:

Events and Tabling: Join us at events, awareness month events, and campus tabling! Topics covered include healthy relationships, affirmative consent, bystander intervention, healing, safety planning, self-care, resources, rights, and related topics. Events and tabling are shared by email, the Student E-blast, social media, and flyers.

We also welcome students, faculty, and staff to collaborate on prevention initiatives with us, such as events and committees, as well as requests for customized training and programming, such as workshops, panels, and discussions. Please contact us if you are interested.

Student Training: All new students, student leaders, and student employees are required to complete an annual virtual training designed by the Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX. Required participants will be notified by School email.

Employee Training: All employees are required to complete an annual virtual training designed by the Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX. Required participants will be notified by school email.

Campus Climate Survey: Juilliard administers a campus climate survey biennially in accordance with New York State law that supports our prevention efforts. The survey assesses students' understanding of resources, support services, and the Sexual Misconduct Policy and evaluates their perceptions of the School's efforts around response, reporting, adjudication, and sexual misconduct prevention. Internal stakeholders use results to inform Juilliard's response, prevention, and policy development.

Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey 2024 Results
Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey 2022 Results
Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey 2020 Results
Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey 2018 Results

  • Summary
  • Full Result Report
Last Updated Monday, Feb. 03, 2025, 12:33PM